General information
The administrative personnel business hours are:
- Monday to Friday between 09:00 – 17:00
- Monday to Sunday according to the spectacles schedule.
Information about spectacles (plays theater, concerts, and other performances @ the Antique Shop)
Address: B-dul Nicolae Bălcescu, nr. 18
Sector 1, București, cod poștal 010052
Universitate (M2)
336, 783, 601, 122, 137, 268, 381
61, 66, 69, 70, 85
Interim Director: Alina-Daniela ION
Department of Cultural Events Organization (information about spectacles, auditorium/concerts hall rental)
Department of Cultural Courses and Programs (conferences, cultural events and courses)
Mina BAUER – Specialized Inspector, Ethics Adviser
Department of Accountancy – Finance
Anca-Georgeta COBZARU – Specialized Inspector
Department of Public Procurement
Mădălina DRAGOMIR – Specialized Inspector